Good Afternoon Quotes & Text Messages for Lovers (With Images)
If you are looking good afternoon text messages for lovers with quotes and images then you reached right place. Here you can get good afternoon text messages quotes for your girlfriend. It feels bad that I can’t see you this afternoon, good afternoon quotes to a loved one I miss you more every day of my life, and pray to God that he will give us, good afternoon sms for girlfriend the opportunity to distribute a life time. Have a Good Afternoon!
Amazing Good Afternoon Quotes and Images
My love I can’t wait to see you in the evening. All of my stress vanishes the moment I return home and you welcome me with a warm hug. Good afternoon.
Good afternoon baby. I just want to let you know that there is not a moment when I don’t think of you. That I’ll go back to you in the evening gives me the strength to do all my task. I love you.
My hubby, I’ve been preparing your favorite dishes. Doing all these little things for you makes me miss you a little less. Good afternoon, see you in the evening. I love you.
Happy afternoon love, it’s still going to take a few hours before we can see each other again. But it does not matter because even we are thousands of km away, you are always deep inside my heart.
I feel little excited when afternoon falls because that means I won’t have to wait long to hold you in my arms. I love you and good afternoon baby.
Afternoon makes a hollow in my hearts which can only be filled by seeing your face and hugging you. Good afternoon and safely come back to me.
I hope you have a great afternoon. For me afternoon signals that soon we can be together and will create moments that we will treasure in future.
The best moments of my life are those which we share with each other. I am counting the remaining minutes and I am becoming restless to see you again. Good Afternoon.
I just want to let you know that you make me very happy. I am grateful that we are always next to each other and I can hold and caress you. Good afternoon.
Good afternoon. I think of you & want to be by your side 24×7. It makes me happy that within a couple of hours I will be able to see you. I love you.
Soon the day will end but the desire to see you were eating me inside, I just wanted to wish you the best of the afternoons and that I love you moon and back.
No matter how far we are you always comes to mind every now and then. Baby, I hope you had a great day. Good afternoon and I love you.
Baby every day I thank God that I can start my day beside you and at the end, I return to you. You are undoubtedly the most important thing in my life and I love you very much. Good afternoon, I will see you in the evening.
My day starts and ends with your warmth. I want to continue this for the rest of our lives. Baby, I don’t think I can have enough of you. Have a relaxed and good afternoon yourself. I will always love you.
My princess, I want you always by my side, when I wake up in the morning and when I go to sleep at night. I want your warmth and care. My afternoon becomes good by thinking I will be in your arms within a short time. I love you so much.
Queen of my life I always wonder what good deeds I have done in my life to have you in my life. I can’t be grateful enough for your presence and you complement me. Good afternoon.
Every day when you left for work there forms a hole in my heart which only heals by your warm hug when you return to home. My king my life will be empty without you. Good afternoon.
Honey, I thank you for being the best husband, father and the friend I could ever ask for. You fulfill my day with your caress and love. I wish you a blissful afternoon. I will be waiting for you and I love you.
Baby, you are the best thing ever happened to me. Soon you’ll be my wife and I’ll be able to see, kiss and hug more of you. I count every second and waiting for that moment to come. I love you and good afternoon.
Good afternoon baby. I would prefer to tell this you in person rather than texting you. I hope that moments come soon. I miss you. Have a great evening after as well.
Afternoons allow me to forget all the worries that invade me during the day and helps me to prepare for the sweet dreams of the night. The thought of holding you makes my heart flutter. Happy afternoon, my love.
Baby, have a great afternoon. I am grateful for everything you have given, for staying through my thick and thin, and for loving me so fondly. I don’t want anything more than this. I will love you.
Honey, I still can’t believe how far we have come, how we have overcome the ups and downs of life and I can’t thank God enough for that. Thank you for giving me this sweet family. Good afternoon and see you soon.
My king, you couldn’t possibly love yourself half as much as I love you. I want to fill your everyday with peace, joy and happiness. I want to be a panacea for your worries and wounds. Just know I will be here for you. Have a great afternoon.
Baby, no time of the day is bad to disclose my feelings to you that how much I love you and how you fill my senses. Have a good afternoon.
Love of my love good afternoon. The only thing I am most sure of is that my life without you will be a blank canvas. You filled my life with color by your kindness and love. My dreams came true by having you beside me.
My bride, you are the best wife and mother a husband could ever ask for. You made me proud and confident to be able to have this sweet family. Good afternoon and I can’t wait to see you.
Baby, you have given me the happiness of being a father. You gave me the courage to become better every day. I am grateful for giving me this tiny bundle of joy ‘our daughter’ and I love you. Good afternoon and I will be beside within a few minutes.
Good afternoon, sweetie. Thank you for being next to me and holding our family together. I can’t even imagine what I would do without you in my life, you are the best partner. I love you.
Baby, these flowers are symbol how your warm hugs make me fresh and soothe me when I return from work. Good afternoon and I am looking forward to spending our times together at evening.
Cute Good Afternoon SMS Wishes for Your Lovers
You can choose and send these types of sweet good afternoon text messages for your lover. Perfectly personified! Oxygen is to the brain what love is to the heart. You need it, you want it, and you can’t live without it. As I sit here reminiscing about you, good afternoon messages to my love I desire to be with you always, embracing my arms around you today and forever. Good afternoon, I miss you.
The message speaks a thousand words. So, all I can say is Good Afternoon or should I? Coz I’m confused. If you’re greatest weakness makes you the strongest person, doesn’t your strongest quality make you the weakest person? I guess we can argue but at the end of the day, all we can say is, ‘love at its best is awesome and at its worst just simply sucks.’ Right?
I was regularly reminiscing about you today, hoping you were here now and I wish to put my arms around you and hug you tightly. I love you. Good afternoon.
Whoever wrote this lovely message is a sure shot optimist. Looking at life for all the good things the future holds. Always looking at the glass as half full! Way to go my friend. Way to live life. Never give up. Never lose hope or faith or whatever her name is.
Seeing those we cherished from afar off, smiles are the first thing we usually present to them as we desire to give them a lot of brightness. Good afternoon.
As I sit here reminiscing about you, I desire to be with you always, embracing my arms around you today and forever. Good afternoon, I miss you.
Sweet Good Afternoon Text Messages For Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend
You can send this cute good afternoon text messages to the one you love, as a corroboration of your voracious love for them. Throw it to your Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband or Wife to demonstrate that you really do care for them to have a good day. With you every day is my lucky day. So lucky being your love and don’t know what else to say. Morning night and noon, you make my day. Every day I miss you in my life, good afternoon text messages to your girlfriend since you’ve been a big part of it now and I don’t want to stay a moment without you in it. I miss you. Good afternoon.
Each and every day I miss you much more, and this noon, I felt terribly bad because I won’t be able to see you as you’re many miles away from me. I miss you. Good afternoon.
Meaning of noon is not just only middle of the day but it is the harder time to do anything in our life. So, across this noon happily… Good Afternoon!
That’s just awesome. If that’s what arrives in your message box, once thing is straight you are a darn good kisser. Hats off!
Pleasant and caring people like you are difficult to find. And I understand that it must have been favor, finding someone like you. Good Afternoon
It’s my prayer that God gives us many chances to always be together, not just at dawn and dusk but also at noon. Good afternoon, I love you.
Romantic Good Afternoon Sms Messages for Your Sweetheart
Every afternoon is to remember the one whom my earth beats for. Look at stunning good afternoon text messages for my sweetheart with beautiful quotes collection. The one I live and sure can die for. Hope you doing good there my love. After an amazing dawn sweetheart sms for her, comes a wonderful and beautiful noon, make sure you enjoy your afternoon. I miss and love you. Good afternoon.
When the past comes knocking, don’t answer. It has nothing new to tell you. Good Afternoon!
Calling you my dear would be an understatement. I would rather call you my heart. Because, with you my life is kept lively. I love you.
Here comes a beautiful afternoon after a glorious morning and a peaceful night rest. Have a nice lunch. Good afternoon, I love you.
The service that counts most is usually recognized by God alone… Good Afternoon!
Your love is not feelings, not even feelings of impulse. You are worth the whole world to me. Good afternoon. I love you my sweet.
I’m presenting you with my heart, filled up with my love for you, make sure you drain all the love before sending it back to me. I love you. Good afternoon.
When friendship is your greatest weakness, you will be the strongest person in the world… Good Afternoon!
I have counted it and it’s uncountable: that is your care for me. I have measured it and it’s immeasurable: that is again the depth of your love in my heart. Secret of the century it is! I love you.
Sweet Good Afternoon Text Messages to Send to Your Husband or Wife
I desire your noon be filled with the blessings that comes with dawn and peace that comes with the dusk. Good afternoon, I love you.
Pleasant friendship is like the breathing air… You Will Never See it… But You Will Always Feel its Presence. Good afternoon!
I would possibly be living in lifetime regret if you are part of my family. I couldn’t have watched you been taken away by another person. Thank God I found you.
Just as we have the mornings and the nights, but something sits in between them both; it’s called AFTERNOON. I love you. Good afternoon.
Good better best, never let it rest, till the good is better, better is best. Good Afternoon!
If I am a mathematician, “you plus me” would be equal to “everlasting love.” Isn’t that what we are! I love you my heart.
I will always and forever remember you like this moment; no matter whatever it is that I might be going through. Good afternoon, I miss you.
As you climb the ladder of success, check occasionally to make sure it is leaning against the right wall.
I want to love you forever. I want to be the reason for your smiles and fun filled laughter. Your love to me daily, is all that matter. It’s done!
I’m checking on you to make sure you’re okay, since you’re always my strength in times of difficulties and troubles. I love you. Good afternoon.
Good Afternoon Wishes Messages For Your Girlfriend with Images
When we see our adored one after a long gap, we want to distribute many things but smile & silents are the first one we distribute. That’s real affection…
Things are changing. I see everything turning around for my favour. And the last time I checked, it’s courtesy of your love. 1000 kisses from me to you. I love you dearly.
I decided to check on you, my dear and ask; hope you’re doing well and having a great and awesome day? Good afternoon, I miss you.
Ahem! Confidence is a great quality to have but I think she’s going to kill you if you let her down after a build up like this one. Nice line though. But not everyone can pull it off, can they?
You are way too gorgeous than what I ever dreamt of. You changed my taste and changed my life in turn. I love you forever.
Nights are meant to dream dreams and days are for achieving those dreams, so keep dreaming and keep working to accomplish them. I love you. Good afternoon.
Dude! She’s already yours. Stop with the flirting and the cheesy one liner’s. But hey, it’s the flirting and the cheesy one liner’s that got you to where you are in the relationship. Don’t forget it. Keep the lanterns of love burning or you might have to find someone else to use the same lines on. Even worse, you might be burned and black listed.
Your love is sweeter than what I read in romantic novels and fulfilling more than I see in epic films. I couldn’t have been me, without you. I love you.
The day is far too young and beautiful to be anxious, don’t be nervous about your dawn since noon is still available to do better. Good afternoon.
Nice thought. A very nice saying and an even better way of saying don’t leave me. If you do, you’re going to lose the best of you. Very subtle!
Have A Cute Good Afternoon Messages and Wishes for Your Love
Best among the best of Good Afternoon Wishes for the Love of your life. Most Romantic Good afternoon wishes for your Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Husband or Wife. Choicest of Cute Good Afternoon Wishes Compilation for your Darling Lover.
Don’t be dismayed because your morning was dull, you’ve got a complete day ahead of you to make it beautiful and end up with a peaceful night. Good afternoon, I love you.
That’s love my friend. Love makes all kinds of dreams come true until it bites you in the *** and you wake up. So, don’t wait too long. Don’t sleep on it. Wake up when the alarm rings.
Just came to check on you my love and heart desire. I wish you have a wonderful afternoon! Take care, until I see your lovely face. I love you.
No humans have ever held air, they only feel it on their skins. I can’t see you now, but I always feel your presence, as you’re the air I breathe. Good afternoon.
As you climb the ladder of success, check occasionally to make sure it is leaning against the right wall. Good Afternoon and Good Day!
You are the very reason my heart leaps for joy. I would never wish I have a moment away from you. You deserve my all. I love you.
I’m addicted to you and your love; an addict of your love, because your love has always rejuvenate me whenever I’m weak. I love you. Good afternoon.
When we see our adored one after a long gap, we want to distribute many things but smile & silents are the first one we distribute. That’s real affection…
Whichever way my life tends, I wouldn’t want to miss a moment without you.
Have A Good Afternoon Best Wishes And Quotes Images, For Caring Friends
Just as air cannot be touched but can only be felt, so also your love for me. It’s invisible but always with me. Good afternoon, I love you.
Learning history is so easy but making history is so difficult. Make a history of yourself and make others to learn it. Good Afternoon!
You are all that my life seeks. The merriment I ever desired. You rock my world and you deserve to be loved forever. Mwah.
I will suffocate and die without you nor your love, because your love is like air I breathe. I miss an love you. Good afternoon.
Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won’t last forever. And if things are going bad, don’t worry. It can’t last forever either!
The last time I checked – which is forever – I discovered that no one can ever separate us. You and me together forever.
I desired that the happiness and joy that comes with the rising sun stay with you all through the day. Good afternoon, I love you.
it’s me praying for you so that you would be safe all the times. GOOD AFTERNOON!
Forever in your love is where I want to dwell. For I’ve seen love but never seen this, I swear. Take it or leave it, you are my world best! I love you.
Here’s another opportunity to have an amusing time, and make sure you enjoy it to the fullest. Good afternoon, I love and miss you.
Sweet Good Afternoon Special Messages in English
You’ve got enough time to do many things and it’s not late to achieve your goals as the day is not over yet. Good afternoon, I love and miss you.
How I wish the sun could obey me for a second, to stop its scorching ride on my angel. So sorry it will be hot there. Don’t worry, the evening will soon come. I love you.
Each and every day I will always cherish afternoon, because it was in the afternoon that I met a special person – you. Good afternoon, I love you.
Always remember that you can count on me any day, anywhere and anytime. Just say the word and I will be there for you. I love you. Good afternoon.
Just to see your face is the best description of being optimistic. To hug you in my arms is the perfect definition of a dream come true. I miss you.
I crave to be on the beach and spend time with you, my dear and enjoy this amazing and beautiful afternoon. Good afternoon, I miss you.
I cherish you and I wish your day be filled with blessings, love, goodness, joy and happiness. Good afternoon, I love and miss you.
When my songs want to end, thinking about you is the choicest of lyrics. My life goes on as long as I have you. You are mine forever.
One of my best days or times is afternoon, why? Because it always reminds me of that afternoon I saw you. I love you. Good afternoon.
Shine brighter like the afternoon sun and may all those who sees you and the awesome things you’ve done be thrilled. Good afternoon, I love you.

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