May 19, 2018 /
We have chosen for you the best quotes of love and words that reflect love experiences.

Love Quote # 01
“Love is not a game. To each his treasure, to lose him, here is the stake. “
Love Quote # 02
“We can do a lot to win a Heart. But so much can to keep it … “
Love Quote # 03
“Love is the ultimate meaning of everything around us. It is not a simple feeling, it is the truth, it is the joy that is at the origin of all creation. “
Love Quote # 04
“What is it then that love, except to understand and rejoice in seeing someone else live, act and feel differently from us, sometimes even the opposite”
Love Quote # 05
“The misfortune of man is to want to complicate love, a simple feeling of reciprocal joy. “
Love Quote # 06
“Through love, it can happen that one delivers and receives something essential, that one feels to blossom what could sleep of best in the bottom of oneself …”
Love Quote # 07
“Reason, average faculty, walks with a sure step, but feeling, faculty almost divine, flutters and hovers in immensity on the wings of love. “
Love Quote # 08
“Love is a feeling which, to be honest, needs to be composed only of itself, to live and to subsist only through it. “
Love Quote # 09
“The law of love is the only law of life; the law which makes everyone feel in themselves the immense human unity, and becomes as strong as all together. “
Love Quote # 10
“It is better to die of love than to live without regrets. “
Love Quote # 11
“Love is like chocolate when you have dripped, you can not do without it. “
Love Quote # 12
“What is love? This is the height of the union of the vial and wisdom. “
Love Quote #13
“Love, poetry, it is by this single spring that human thought will manage to answer the wide. “
Love quote # 14
“In contact with love, everyone becomes a poet. “

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