Rainy Season Tips to Keep Diseases at Bay – Must Know Tips
During the fag end of the summer months, we wait eagerly for the monsoons. The long scorching summer months leave us high and dry. We look forward to a season of indulgence, getting drenched in the first cool showers, enjoying a plateful of pakodas with our ‘adrak chai’ while watching the world get soaked through your window pane.
But with the myriad pros come the cons as well. During the monsoons, your immunity takes a beating. Eating street food may increase your risk of monsoon diseases as it contaminates the water and affects your health too. Germs and bacteria proliferate in the damp and dank conditions. This gives way to diseases such as malaria, dengue, typhoid, viral fever, dysentery, and gastrointestinal disturbances.
While there may be some oh-so-tempting foods beckoning you from the street stalls, it is better for you to prepare your foods at home and eat at home, as they are prepared under hygienic conditions and with clean ingredients. This is the easiest and healthiest way to keep all the monsoon diseases at bay. Eating home-cooked hot food is one of the best health tips during the rainy season. That’s not all, there are other rainy season disease prevention tips that you should follow to the T, which will stop you from getting sick in the rainy season.
Monsoon Health Tips and Diet Tips to Follow
Most of us take sickness for granted during the monsoon season, but it needn’t be so, we can prevent common ailments if we take the necessary precautions. Take a look at some of the health tips listed here to keep yourself fit and healthy.
- Add more fruits to your diet – Eating fruits is good for all seasons and the monsoon season is no different. Fruits have the richest source of enzymes which help build immunity and also restore energy. There are many fruits that are nutrient-rich and ideal for the rainy season. Apples, mangoes, pomegranates, mangoes, and pears are just some of the best fruits you can consume. Try to include fruits that are in season and absolutely fresh; they are kind to your digestive health.
- Carry your own drinking water – Drinking water is the most common source of contamination. So, instead of having it outside, carry your own drinking water and in copper bottles or steel bottles. Avoid having juices or buttermilk from roadside vendors.
- Wash the fruits and veggies thoroughly – Most of the veggies and fruits you see outside are kept out in the open, without being covered. They are often sprayed with pesticides and are the chief carriers of Wash the fruits and veggies with a lot of water, at least 5 times a day. Boil the veggies first to kill the bacteria. Wash the veggies and then dry them out in the sun, or wipe them clean before you store them in the refrigerator. Stay away from pre-cut veggies as they are more prone to bacteria and other germs. Also, cooking the veggies well kills the more resilient bacteria.
- Move your body, exercise more – Sweat it out for at least 30 minutes every day. This kills the harmful bacteria in the body; and with exercise, you expel the toxins accumulating in your body via sweat. You can try different types of exercises so that you are able to do the exercises you like and hopefully stick to an exercise regime.
Infections and the rainy season somehow go hand in hand. Be mindful of some of the symptoms and rein them in, right at the onset. Anything from mysterious fevers to unexplained cold and cough that lasts for many days, needs attention.
Also, ensure that you maintain personal hygiene during the rainy season. Imagine stepping into a muddy puddle and then not washing your feet thoroughly with soap and water. Could you imagine yourself doing that? And oh! Do remember to use an antibacterial solution to get your hands and feet squeaky clean. Like that popular advertisement shown on the television, it makes sense to make good use of a quality antibacterial soap during the monsoons.
If it is chemical-free, it is better as it is less harsh on your skin. This type of soap cleanses well and also moisturizes. This is one of the handiest monsoon health tips that always works. Don’t forget to drink more water too! Did you know that dehydration can cause a severe drop in immunity, paving way for more diseases? The most common infections during the monsoon are food-borne, so a quick evaluation of your current dietary habits can help you avoid dangerous infections.
Seafood is love! Prawns, crabs, the works although delicious, are best avoided during this time of the year. Monsoon is the breeding season for fish and prawns and you should abstain from indulging in too much seafood. If you find non-vegetarian foods to be finger-licking, then stick to chicken or mutton.
Fried foods
Are fried foods a strict no-no during the rainy season? While we all crave fried foods during the rainy season, there is a reason we must zip our mouths for our best interests. The humid weather impacts our digestion as it slows down the digestion process. This increases the symptoms of digestion such as bloating, gas, or acidity, as these types of foods contain sodium and lead to water retention. That is why you need to take a good look at your diet in the rainy season.
Fizzy beverages
A tub of large popcorn and a giant bottle of fizzy drinks, yup! Our staunch companions for our movie dates, but do you know it wreaks havoc on our health? It leeches out all the important minerals from the body as it reduces the enzyme activity; and once the enzyme activity minimizes, it weakens your digestive system. So, whenever you have cold fizzy drinks, it reduces minerals in our body, which leads to a reduction in enzyme activity. Instead of stocking on fizzy drinks, try to select something which is a healthier option, lemon water.
Leafy veggies out?
What to eat in the rainy seasons? Leafy greens are the best as they are full of potent nutrients, but they are best avoided in the monsoons. They are watered constantly to keep them fresh and the dampness increases their susceptibility to germs. So, you have to give up on cabbage, spinach, cauliflower this season. Focus on including more of the bitter stuff such as tinea, bottle gourd, and bitter gourd.
Monsoon season is here, it is best to keep these tips handy and ensure a healthy and happy rainy season!
Tips to Stay Healthy This Monsoon
Eating right can help you kickstart your eating regime on the right note. Here is how you can maintain a healthy diet in the rainy season.
Garlic cloves are a powerhouse of anti-oxidants and have great immunity-boosting properties. They boost your metabolic rate, and you can easily add them to your diet. Monsoons are the best time to have piping hot and nourishing soups. Ensure you add crushed pods of garlic to your hot and yum soup!
The rains and ginger tea are a match made in heaven. Just grate some fresh ginger and add them to a warm mug of water, squeeze in a whole lemon and add a touch of sweetness with honey. This is the easiest way to boost your immunity every single day.
Pears are a treasure trove of assorted vitamins and minerals and can shield you from all the perils of the monsoon season. They are not only rich in fiber but also contain a generous quantity of copper, vitamin C, and vitamin B12. It also helps cools down your body and eases off fever.
Turmeric is the most talked about spice that has great health-boosting qualities. It is anti-inflammatory, a natural antiseptic, and also an antibiotic agent. Now you know why you feel instantly better after you have had turmeric-laced hot milk, especially when you are feeling sick. Add turmeric in hot milk with a pinch of black pepper powder and sweeten it with honey! The ‘golden milk’ is your best bet to keep away symptoms of cold, cough, and fever.
If you have been told by your grandmother to have soaked almonds to break your fast, she is right. As almonds are rich in protein and low in fat, they aid in digestion and also keep your sugar levels under control. It is a great addition to your diet when you are on a weight loss diet.
An apple a day keeps the monsoon perils away. Munch one every day to ensure you have a healthy and balanced diet. It helps improve your digestion system too.
Pomegranates are full of vitamins, especially vitamin C, and aid in the proper metabolization of protein. It should be an integral part of a healthy diet in monsoon season.
Beetroots are a great source of potassium. You can add beetroots to your diet by just grating beets with carrots together and adding a sprinkle of cumin seed powder and freshly ground black pepper. To make it even healthier, add a fistful of toasted almonds, and your nourishing meal is ready to devour. It is packed with plenty of vitamins and minerals and aids in body detoxification. It is, in fact, one of the best veggies to add to your monsoon diet, and what’s more, it is a great pre-workout and post-workout drink too! You will be refreshed and rejuvenated immediately after you down a glass of fresh beetroot juice.
Tips to Stay Healthy in Monsoon
Staying healthy during the monsoon time isn’t so difficult if you follow certain norms:
- If you get drenched in the monsoon rain, take a shower immediately as rainwater as the acid content in the rainwater can harm the skin. This also keeps infections at bay.
• Adding 3-4 drops of chloride in one liter of boiled water can kill most harmful micro-organisms and other impurities.
• Maintain general hygiene at your home, keeping it clean and pest-free. Avoid water logging in and around your home as it is often the breeding ground for mosquitoes and bacteria.
• Add more vitamin C to your diet, as it boosts your resistance against infections and common diseases.
• Keep your feet dry at all times.
• Use powerful insect repellent to drive mosquitoes away.
• Wash your hands and feet thoroughly after you have come from outside.
Some Quick Easy-to-follow Home Remedies to Keep Away Minor Health Issues
- Have ginger water and lemon with honey the first thing in the morning to boost your immunity and also heal from minor cold and coughs.
• Simple things often work the most, the best way to curb throat pain is still gargling with lukewarm saline water.
• Before you reach out for OTC medications, try this to treat viral fever. Boil water with tulsi, ginger, and honey and drink this magical concoction several times a day.
• Sometimes sipping wine in moderation can boost your body immunity and prevent infections.
• Keep your skin free from allergies and infections by boiling neem leaves in water and taking a bath in the neem infused water.
• Eucalyptus oil is a great way to relieve a blocked nose during monsoons. Just add a few drops of this oil in water, warm it and use the water to steam your face. The aroma helps in decongestion and helps you breathe nice and easy.
Armed with these valuable tips and tricks, you can power your immunity and keep yourself fit and healthy during the monsoon season. Now, you can look forward to the rainy seasons without worrying about niggling cold, cough, and other infections. Enjoy the rains while it lasts and stays healthy!