Messages of Condolence: 10 Examples
I think there are no more difficult messages to write than a message of condolence. You have just learned of the death of someone, the father of a friend, the brother of a relative, the mother of your spouse … And you want to show all your support by sending a message? Here are some examples that you can reuse in these difficult and delicate situations.
10 Examples of Messages of Condolence
1 / It is with great difficulty that I learned for your mother. I send you and your family all my condolences.
2 / I share your sorrow and send you all my courage. We miss the words when the pain is too strong but know that all my soul and my heart are with you.
3 / I am attracted by this dreadful news. I wish I could release you from your suffering … In the meantime, get all my tenderness.
4 / All my condolences for your brother gone too early. He was an incredible person and full of life. We will always keep it warm in our heart. I remain available day and night to talk, to listen, to support you or to make you think of something else.
5 / I share your pain. His suffering was so brutal that it must be said that he now rests in peace. I miss you very hard.
6 / Life is sometimes so unfair … Take care of yourself and your loved ones, be strong! I’m here.
7 / I am happy to have known [First Name], it was a friend, almost a brother for me, always there for others, loved and admired, we will never be able to forget it. I consider myself lucky to have been able to share so much time with him.
8 / Sadness seize me. My thoughts fly away to you in this time of mourning.
9 / when time passes and your sadness diminish, you will smile again at all those wonderful memories you shared together. I know, sometimes it takes too long to get the pain through.
10 / I send you thoughts of love hoping to give you a little balm to the heart. All my condolences, I am wholeheartedly with you.

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