How to write a Letter of Love
Emails and text messages are an integral part of our generation. They facilitate – or at least seem to facilitate – human relations. However, by abusing it, we lose some past values that could be very useful. If writing letters seems to go out of fashion with time, we will not deny the pleasure we experience when we discover one in the mailbox. The one on which is inscribed our name, and which is not an invoice. Letters are one of the essential components of the most beautiful love stories. Their durability, their paper support, and above all, the words drawn by the pen of the magnet, are factors that explain the beauty of the manuscript in favor of technological means. You do not have to be Madame de Sévigné or Choderlos de Laclos to understand the mechanisms of a letter. Neither do you need to possess the sensitivity and accuracy of writing Arragon. Paper, a pencil, pretty turns and sincerity, these are the essential elements to start writing a love letter.
Where do I start to write a love letter?
I will be very original: you first need to find a pen and paper. And yes, it may seem disconcerting banality, yet these are two essential elements and should not be chosen at random.
The pen: use the pen with which you are most comfortable. Too bad if it’s your old bitch on which you’ve been your teeth all your life. The ink, meanwhile, must be black or blue. You do not write a love letter with red: too bright, or pink: illegible. We do not change any ink during the writing. You started with blue, you end up with blue.
The paper: if your course sheets can do the trick, I advise you to opt for a paper a little more “sophisticated”. You’ll find a parchment-type paper in the bookstore, which is thicker and more classy than your large-sized A4 sheets.
Find the right moment and the right place
We can write everywhere and at any time. Certainly. Provided that your brain is isolated and that your thoughts are directed solely towards the loved one. The ideal place is still your room. Desk and bed are always the case. Choose an evening where you have nothing binding to do. Where your mind is free to wander wherever it likes. Where your feelings can run in the open air without being interrupted.
It may be that your thoughts catch up with you and give you the momentum and energy to write your letter. I can not advise you better than this: when you feel the urge to write, do not hold back. Let the ink flow of your emotions, without any a priori and especially, without any judgment! You will not be able to write a pretty statement if it is too thoughtful and rational. You would lose your authenticity.
Make a rough draft
Before embarking on big atypical considerations, I really recommend you do a rough draft. It will serve you to better organize your thoughts. It may seem strange because the love is natural-it-flowing-source … I assure you that the feelings are much more difficult to express than to feel! That’s why I put together a small list of questions to ask you about your love, before you start your letter:
- What made me crack when I met him?
- What do I like most about his personality?
- What does it represent for me?
- When did I know that our story was meant to last?
- Are there things I have never dared to tell him out of modesty and which I think regularly?
- What are our common projects?
- What is my dearest wish about our future to both?
This non-exhaustive list, however, will allow you to clarify your thoughts. You are obviously entitled to add all the questions you want, and remove all those that do not suit you. Answering it on your draft is already organizing your letter.
Choose the primer
How to start your letter? That’s a good question. You can start perfectly in media res that is to say, from the outset, by explaining to him your approach for example: ” I write you this letter because my love for you is so great that I would like to reach the express “/” I write to you today to tell you how much my life has made sense since I was with you … “.
You can also choose to start your letter with a more ordinary but no less effective twist, formally called “calling formula”. If you are used to giving him a little affectionate nickname, use: my love / my heart / my darling / or even a diminutive related to the possessive.

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