How to Train at Home During the Quarantine
Life in cities always lacks movement. We are sitting in offices, sitting in traffic jams, and now even more in quarantine. It is difficult to follow the daily recommended rate of 10,000 steps. Stay with us and learn all the details about how to train at home.
Movement is what the proper functioning of muscles and joints, the endocrine and nervous systems, and also the protective functions of our immunity depend on. In quarantine, it is essential to use every opportunity to move. Want to know how to do strength training at home? Keep reading and find out!
How to Move When you are at home
In the Morning
Morning can set the rhythm of the whole day and create order in the head. It is especially important now when we risk falling into the noise of information and house chaos.
It is better to go to bed early in the evening to get enough sleep but not stay long in bed in the morning. The longer you lie, the longer you won’t be able to wake up normally. Get up, put on your favorite women’s workout shorts, and start the day with a glass of water and charge. It is enough to take a few deep breaths and exhalations, stretch, move your arms and legs. The ideal option is to perform a simple complex of yoga — for example, Surya Namaskar.
During Work
While working at home, there is no way to go out for lunch or chat during the coffee-time. But you can feel freer in movements than in the office, where there are fears that colleagues will not understand training in the middle of the workspace.
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
The leading causes of fatigue and lethargy in the evening after work are lack of movement and dehydration, so do not sit for long in one position. Go to the kitchen for a glass of water and do a light workout — for example, circular movements of the pelvis and knees, swings, and steps. During the warm-up, it is important not to stand still but to step to include joints that are “too long” in work.
If the schedule allows, take a break for a full train at home session. It will help switch the brain and get back to work with fresh ideas and energy.
Home Workout
You can do strength training at home without equipment. A yoga mat is a whole universe where you get a quality load only due to your body’s weight. If you have not practiced before, try not to start with intense exercise, but with yoga. It is an anti-stress for the body that helps to work out all the muscles and joints.
The weight training structure at home should be the same as in the fitness studio: warm-up, core, and stretching. Lunges, burp, squats, push-ups, levels, jumps, waist training exercises at home, running on the spot – there are many exercises with which you can build a variety of activities without equipment.
At home, you can engage in 3-4 times a week for an hour a day. It is better to alternate functional training and stretching because during functional training, the muscles become clogged, and lactic acid accumulates in them. As a result, muscle pain occurs, and this makes exercise difficult.
Image by mirasidia from Pixabay
Stretching helps to avoid muscle pain because it does not allow lactic acid to stagnate. And in general, stretching has a positive effect on the body: it improves well-being and blood circulation and develops flexibility.
Home Workout Rules
- Plan. Schedule your strength train at home exercises and plan them at the most convenient time. And most importantly – strictly follow this schedule. For those who are very busy during the day, it is usually more comfortable to train in the morning or the evening, when you finish all the things. It will be more convenient for those who have a reasonably measured schedule to conduct a workout in the middle of the day to distract and stretch the muscles.
- Do not strive for the ideal. Yes, an ideal exercise lasts at least an hour, begins with a warm-up and ends with a stretch. But if you understand that you do not have an hour, remember that half an hour of physical activity is also good. And even twice a day for 10 minutes – better than nothing in strength training for beginners at home. The workout will keep you fit, help you better cope with stress, and positively affect your immune system. But this applies to short workouts with an adequate load for you. Too long and too intense activities can deplete the body’s resources.
- Choose what you like. It’s simple: the more pleasant the training, the higher the likelihood that you will return to it regularly, especially it concerns weight training for women at home. You do not have to persuade yourself and spend hours procrastinating – after all, this is joy, not hard labor! Try different types of training (dance training, martial arts, strength exercises, stretching, etc.), various trainers, and different channels. Sooner or later, there is something that suits you.
Image by rob9040 from Pixabay
- Have you started your training? Do not be distracted! Try not to be distracted by household chores or work calls: if you take breaks between exercises, the muscles cool down, which increases the risk of injuries, mainly sprains.
- Change the program periodically or adjust your workout. The fact is that the body gets used to the load, and if you perform the same set of exercises every day, you can reduce the effect. Therefore, every 2-3 weeks, make small changes. No need to practice too long, it is enough 30-45 minutes a day. It is essential to give a different load: weight training at home with dumbbells, power, cardio, and a quiet recovery after active exercises. Our emotional and physical conditions are interconnected, so only those exercises that bring joy are beneficial.
- Gradually increase the load. If you immediately take up long and difficult home strength training, then, firstly, provide yourself with muscle pain and increase the risk of injuries. Secondly, you will become tired, and you will lie weak for the rest of the day. But the main path to harmony is movement throughout the day. Therefore, select the load so that you have the strength to clean the floor, play with the children, and take a little walk before bedtime.
- Keep in touch with your trainer. It’s more effective to engage with a trainer who can comment on the exercise technique even at home. Although the gym may be closed, the fitness community does not sleep, and many perform online train at home programs.
Watch your trainer carefully. Using video training from the Internet, try to copy the trainer’s movements and body position accurately.
If possible, it’s good to practice near the mirror to see if you are doing the exercise correctly. Here are the mistakes that most beginners make:
- Squats. Knees out of line socks, hunched back.
- Plank. The head bends down, the deflection in the back, the pelvis rises.
- Push-ups. Deflection in the back, hands are too wide (and should be strictly under the shoulders).
- Core. The exercise is done abruptly.
Besides, excellent equipment is suitable for beginner’s strength training workout for a woman at home:

- Dumbbells, weights, fitness gum – compact tools that will help increase the load.
- TRX loops are a great tool to improve posture, work out all the muscles and joints without overloading them. Most models are equipped with a special mount for the door. Besides, there is an application with TRX workouts, where you can choose a set of exercises for yourself.
- Massage rolls and balls – to “roll out” muscles and recover from exertion.
Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on Unsplash
Workout and Nutrition
- If you intend to work out in the morning, breakfast is worth at least 30–40 minutes before your workout. Breakfast, in this case, should be carbohydrate. You can eat yogurt, a banana, or a muesli bar.
- If the training is scheduled for the day or evening, then the meal should be at least 1.5–2 hours before class.
- If more than 3 hours have passed since the main meal, have a snack 30–40 minutes before class.
For our bodies, movement is just as important as water. Exercise variably and regularly. Find a trainer whom you can trust in matters of efficiency and safety so you can train at home. Many people have more time on quarantine, which means more opportunities to keep fit or try what they have been putting off for a long time.
Perhaps you have long been thinking of getting a kettlebell out of a closet, starting to do yoga or master TRX. Now is the best time to get fit and do what pleases you.
Do you practice train at home exercises? Feel free to share your favorite tips with us!
Author’s Bio
Alex Green is a copywriter with three years of experience. He is fond of healthy living and knows everything about home improvement. In his spare time, Alex likes walking with his golden retriever, meeting with friends, and attending the gym.
Featured Photo by Valeria Ushakova from Pexels