How to Tie a Tie in 3 Simple Steps
Ties are a great accessory that can add flair to your outfit! Casual or formal, you’ll need to know how to tie a tie properly. There are many ways to tie a tie, and it can be a bit challenging for some. If you’re new to the tie game, here you can learn how to tie a tie in 3 simple steps!
How To Tie a Tie
For this simple knot, we are going back to basics! A classic look will go with any selection, whether a novelty, solid, patterned or knitted tie. There are so many styles to choose from, and you’ll be prepared to rock it with these tips for tying a tie.
This type of knot is called the Four-in-Hand. It gives you a slim and modern look with just a few steps. It is also the most common knot when it comes to ties.
1. The Crossing
To begin, rope your tie around your neck and let it lye flat. The thicker end should extend about 10 inches past your narrow end.
Pull the thicker end over your narrow end, creating a cross. You’ll then need to cross the wide end under back under the narrow end. It should fold under.
Again, cross the wide end over the narrow end, as you did with the first cross.
2. The Loop
Now that you have your crosses were taken care of, your set to execute your loop. Pull the wide end of your tie up and under the narrow end of your tie.
You should notice that you have created a loop. At the same time, holding your tie steady and slip the wide end through the loop.
3. The Pull
Now is the big finale, the pull that sets everything into place. Pull the wide end through the rest of the loop. You’re now set to tighten it to your liking.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to tie a tie. You’re all set to creating amazing looks without the help of someone else. The good news is that this knot is simple and fast. If you’re in a hurry, you can get this one done in no time.
If you don’t get it perfect the first time, keep practicing. You will be an expert in no time.
Step Up Your Style
There are many different knots when it comes to how to tie a tie. You’ve completed step one in becoming a master of tie knots. If you’ve perfected your Four-in-hand knot, start exploring other ways to tie a tie.
Simply changing up your knot could help you push into a new style. You’d be surprised how much this small touch can really change a look. It’s a great way to add something different if you’ve already explored all the different tie styles.
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Featured Photo by Dinielle De Veyra from Pexels