How Our Skin Reflects Our Physical and Mental State

How Our Skin Reflects Our Physical and Mental State

Healthy skin always looks beautiful and does not require makeup. The impeccable appearance of our skin at any time of the year always evokes others’ admiring glances. This condition is associated with normal density and hydration of the skin itself, good subcutaneous fat and elasticity of the muscles.

We are not only what we eat but also what we think and feel. And, it seems, our skin can feel and reflect this better than any other organ. It has long been known that childhood atopic dermatitis or eczema can also occur due to the lack of physical proximity of the baby and parents. An allergic skin reaction to a seemingly harmless product — because you consumed it at the time of stress, nervous exhaustion, or depression.

The functions of the skin are extremely diverse:

  • Protecting the body from external factors – chemical, biological, physical.
  • Participation in thermoregulation and water-salt metabolism of the body.
  • Respiratory function – the skin is capable of absorbing oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide.

The skin also deposits up to one liter of blood, synthesizes and accumulates vitamin D and some hormones, removes metabolic products, drugs, and salts, and performs many other functions without which the human body could not function normally.

Skin reflects our physical and mental condition

We all know that our skin health depends on lifestyle: smoking, alcohol, unhealthy diet, lack of personal hygiene, and excessive exposure to sunlight have a negative effect on the skin. Various infectious and non-infectious diseases also lead to deterioration of the skin.

Skin reflects our physical and mental condition. Therefore, when you notice some problems, rash, or allergies on your skin, you need to understand the problem and be sure to consult with the experts from medical dermatology.

Let’s take rashes for example

Rashes on the face indicate a disease or a malfunction in the body. To get rid of hated pimples, you need to find out which organ functions not as expected.

Thus, to identify the cause of the rash, you need to, as said before, hear a thought from a specialist. Only after the elimination of the internal problem, you can start healing and treating your skin.

For dermatologists, the fact of an inextricable connection between the general health and the condition of the skin is the cornerstone of their knowledge. Today, medicine has advanced a lot and can explain in detail how internal imbalances affect skin health.

Skin and nervous system are twins 

Scientists have found that the nervous system controls any processes in the body. And it has a very close relationship with a skin — in some way we can even say that they are twins. In embryonic development, all parts of the nervous system, the brain, and the spinal cord, as well as the epidermis, are created from the ectoderm — the embryo’s external embryonic leaf. And this fact makes their connection inextricable. They constantly exchange signals and messages. Goosebumps or blush are all processes that are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Acne and irritation are a reaction of the hormonal system to the hormone cortisol, which is produced under the influence of stress.

Skin and nervous system are twins
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


The release of cortisol causes the cells to secrete other substances, and the blood vessels to expand, resulting in ruptures. On the skin, this manifests itself in the form of inflammation. At the time of stress, nerve cells provoke the growth of other cells — mast cells, which are actively involved in inflammatory processes. However, the most interesting thing is that adipocytes lead to even greater growth of nerve tissue, and it, in return, leads to the appearance of even more mast cells. It turns out that permanent stress is a terrible thing for the beauty of our skin. And getting out of this unhealthy circle is not so easy.


If you think that the puffiness of the face occurs only because of your love for the salty food, especially at night, you can be wrong. Another reason is a reaction to stress. When a negative situation drags on, and stress takes on a “chronic” status, everything looks completely sad. Lack of sleep is added to puffiness, which also does not bring anything good, eternal dissatisfaction with oneself, signs of early aging become obvious — the oval of the face creeps down, and a pitiful expression appears in the eyes, giving the face a “crying” look.

The unhealthy ecology and the frantic pace of life in modern cities only exacerbate the skin problems that our psyche gives us: more stress, less sleep — your skin is begging you for help and requires urgent action. To be honest, peelings and masks are not the best helpers when we want to forget about skin problems for a long time.


Many psychotherapeutic approaches can help deal with skin diseases. Such practices act directly on behavioral patterns and help relieve general stress from the body. It is also important that a professional therapist understand the root causes of skin problems and enter into harmonious relationships with them. And this is the first step towards a healthy appearance.

Photo by Min An from Pexels

Relaxation and meditation

Muscle relaxation, concentrated breathing, and meditation practices are great tools to deal with stress flashes that have already become a habit. Since ancient times, people have used these techniques to treat acne, eczema, and hyperhidrosis.

What can you do to improve your skin health?

Be attentive to your health, treat acute and chronic diseases in a timely manner, and not neglect your doctor’s recommendations.

Eat rationally. Using proper nutrition, you can regulate the sufficient intake of fluids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and trace elements.

Drink enough fluids. On average, a person needs about 2 liters of water per day. However, it can be individual and depend on a lot of factors, such as weather.

Try to give up bad habits. Alcohol and cigarette smoke negatively affect almost every organ of the human body, including the skin.

Observe a rational regime of work and rest. Healthy sleep, good rest, and the absence of stress contribute to maintaining the health of the skin and the whole organism.

Avoid aggressive environmental effects on your skin. Dress according to the weather, protect exposed areas of the body from excess sunlight or exposure to cold.

do not neglect personal hygiene
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

And finally, do not neglect personal hygiene:

Take a shower daily (contrast showers are especially useful). When swimming, try to use antibacterial agents less often; their composition can be quite aggressive and lead to dryness and skin irritation.

If necessary, use moisturizing and nourishing creams, lotions.

Carry out any cosmetic procedures of the face and body only after consulting with a dermatologist.

A washcloth, razors, towels should be individual for each family member.

Change underwear, socks, or tights daily.


Time, persistence, and patience are your main friends in the journey for a natural, healthy radiant skin. Pamper yourself, love yourself, take care of your beauty and health. Your dedication and help of cosmetologists to care for your skin will help you look great at any age.

Featured Photo by Trung Nguyen from Pexels

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