Happy Ramadan Mubarak Messages and Dua in Arabic with Images
March 23, 2017 /
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar; in this holy month, fasting is embraced by all Muslims. Look at happy Ramadan messages and dua in Arabic with images of your friends and family. In fasting duration there are two times eat according to the Sunnah. Ramadan is the month of blessing, happy and pleasure. It is measured as one of the most important pillars of Islam for Muslims. Muslims in the world are celebrating Ramadan with sincerity and devotion. Send happy Ramadan wishes and dua in Arabic, English and Urdu on Facebook, Whatsapp and Google plus. Ramadan Kareem is coming very soon expected date is May 27th, 2017. Well, every Muslim is looking for dua and Ramadan Kareem wishes with images and messages.

Ramadan Sehri and Iftar Dua in Arabic
Everyone knows Ramadan is arriving within few days, in these days sehar and iftar at its peak. In this post, you can get Ramadan Sehri and iftar dua in Arabic that will help you to remember. In the holy month of Ramadan, all the Muslims are consuming pre-dawn meal early in the morning before the sunrise or fajr prayer that is called Sehri or Suhur. The holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W said that to eat Sehri is superior “Afzal”. Sehri avoid the weakness and marginality reason by the fast. You can take sehar; say thanks to almighty Allah and reciting this dua after a meal.

In the fast you have under protection, blessing and merciful of almighty Allah. In this post, providing you dua of Iftar or Aftar also many other dua’s are included here. Iftar or Aftar is an evening meal that is consumed at the end of fast. Muslims are gathered at masjid to offer a prayer of Maghrib or sunset say thanks to almighty Allah ask for sympathy and forgiveness of their sins. Iftar is the form of reward that Allah gives to Muslims because they spend the whole day in fasting.

Dua for Sehri and Iftar in English
Muslims are offer prayer five times in a day but in Ramadan, they offer some extra prayers. Well, you can look here dua for Sehri and Iftar in English. Sehar dua is reciting after the meal which is as under:
“I intend to keep the fast tomorrow for the month of Ramadan”

In Ramadan, Aftar dua is reciting at the time of Maghrib prayer, breaking the Fast. Iftar dua is as under:
“O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You (and I put my trust in you) and I break my fast with Your sustenance”
Dua for the First, Second And Third Ashra of Ramadan
In this post, you can find dua for the first, second and third Ashra of Ramadan. As you know Ramadan Kareem is coming, everyone is looking duas for this holy month. Ramadan is the month freedom from fire. So, everyone wants to avail this opportunity and follow the prayer to read in the three Ashra. It has not meaning remained just thirsty and hungry all day. But, the main purpose is avoiding to minor and major sins and asks mercy. In this Ramadan, all of us have the chance to ask for the dua’s and prayers. The first ten days or first Ashra is Allah mercy; everyone read this dua shown as in images. Fasting is a shield of protection from the fire of hell.

Ramadan Mubarak Messages in Arabic
If you are looking Ramadan Mubarak messages in Arabic for your friends and family then you reached right place here. Here, we have some beautiful collection about Ramadan wishes, messages and quotes. You can send text messages, greeting cards and sms on your friend Facebook timeline. May Allah accept all your prayers and fasting in this holy month of Ramadan.

Ramzan Mubarak Wishes in English
Ramzan is the holy month of blessing, protection and freedom from the fire of hell. You can get here, Ramzan Mubarak wishes in English with good-looking images and quotes. Muslims are offering some extra prayer in the evening and reciting Quran that give satisfaction, happiness and pleasure. Ramadan brings a lot happiness, feelings and delight in our life.

Ramadan Quotes from Quran in Urdu
The month of Ramadan is not so far, ready to us is better than waiting it comes. Look at images of Ramadan quotes from Quran in Urdu. In this month Muslims are reading and reciting the whole Quran, Qiyam al-layl and Tahajjud prayers, Zakah al-Ma, Sadaqah and Zakah al-Fitr distribute among the poor peoples.

Ramadan Greetings Cards with Quotes in Arabic
In Islam fasting is a spiritual and unique characteristic. So, you can look here, Ramadan greetings cards with quotes in Arabic to wish your friends and family before start Ramadan. 

These Ramadan messages wishes contain encouraging and heart touching wishes for a rich celebration of the divine time. Feel free to reveal these happy Ramadan text messages for your friends and family

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