Danish Full Plate
I’m going to have to think about getting you a full plate recap. I know you love them very much. It was my little finger who told me!
I propose a new one a little festive with lump eggs. I love this stuff, any girl. In fact, it was the only product from the sea that could be eaten at Christmas!

For the rest, it’s very healthy and it’s not bad before the holidays.
We’re gently approaching Christmas. It will take me time to “digest” and enjoy my family. I will definitely come back between Christmas and New Year to offer you the latest recipe for 2016!
It will be an opportunity to take stock of the year, give you the prospects for 2017 … because I swear to you, this end of year will have been WTF and everything has turned upside down in a few weeks. A bit like a horse who decides to go triple gallop …

You need
– A large organic egg
– 6 pink radishes
– 6 cherry tomatoes
– A handful of fresh spinach
– Fresh chives
– A half apple
– A slice of black bread
– A tablespoon of fresh cheese type Mme Loik
– Of eggs of lumps
– 2 c to s of mixture quinoa / lenses
For sauce
– 1 tsp of sweet mustard
– 2 tbsp of red wine vinegar with raspberry
– 4 tbsp of neutral oil or avocado
– Salt
– Ground pepper
Prepare a bed of fresh spinach and cherry tomatoes on a plate. Sprinkle with chives.
Cook an egg at room temperature in a large volume of boiling water 4’30 minutes. Immerse it in ice water to stop cooking.
Cut the apple into strips and radishes.
Reheat the quinoa / lentil mixture in a microwave.
Spread your fresh cheese bread. Pepper and cover with lump eggs.

Prepare the vinaigrette by whisking all the elements together. Pour it into a small pot.
Make your plate, cut the egg in half before serving. A little flower of salt and fresh chives!
Add some sauce.