5 Essentials for Fashion Bloggers
Blogging is one of the most profitable ways to make money online, and it can be an enjoyable pastime if you focus on a niche you’re passionate about – such as fashion.
Fashion is an incredibly popular subject these days on the internet. Fashion bloggers are becoming more and more influential over time. If you take the time to start a fashion blog today, you could position yourself for considerable success in the coming years.
We could give you dozens of useful tips on monetization strategies, website creation, and other technical aspects of setting up a fashion blog. Instead, we’re going to focus on some of the essential items you’ll need to get up and running as a fashion blogger.
Many of these items are somewhat obvious, but many fashion bloggers go months or even years before realizing how essential these tools are. If you want your fashion blog to be successful, you need to take yourself seriously. Part of that is picking the right gear and making yourself as organized as possible.
Here are five essential items we’ve chosen for you to consider, whether you’re starting a fashion blog for the first time or you’re looking to improve your online presence effectively.
1. A Steamer
Sure, a steamer isn’t anything special, but the effect it has on your clothes is quite impressive. Go to any professional fashion studio, and you can bet your bottom dollar they’ll have a steamer on hand.
While ironing your clothes produces almost the same result, a steamer is more portable and quicker to use. A steamer can make your clothes look their absolute best when you’re taking those all-important pictures.
2. Reliable Phone Data
We know that to get the best pictures; sometimes you must travel to the best locations. Whether you’re taking pictures with your phone or using it to upload images to the web, reliable data is always a must.
When you set yourself with a reliable data plan, you can be a lot more spontaneous in your fashion photography. Perhaps you weren’t even planning on taking pictures on a particular day for your blog, but when the right opportunity arises, you can be ready to take full advantage and upload your shots effectively.
One of the best options for fashion bloggers is a sim only deal. Many sim only deals have unlimited data limits, which gives you the freedom to upload tons of high-resolution images even if you’re in a somewhat remote location. There’s also considerable flexibility with these plans, as you can choose from a wide range of options to select exactly how much data you need.
Sim only deals are also a convenient option if you choose to travel to a different country for your fashion blog. With pay as you go plans, you can use a sim only deal that only charges you for the data you use over a short period. This is beneficial if you’re only staying in a country for a few weeks (think Paris fashion week), and you don’t want to pay for a whole month’s worth of service.
3. A Tripod
If you want to take professional photos, a tripod is one of the first significant steps you can take towards truly stunning fashion shots. Whether you’re using your phone or an actual camera, a tripod can stabilize your shots and provide you with a range of different options that aren’t possible with handheld operation.
Consider adding this to your equipment list if you’re operating alone and without a professional photographer to help you. Setting up shots is much easier with a tripod because you’re not always in “selfie mode.” You can set your camera or phone up on the tripod, set a timer or activate it with voice control, and take your professional shots without any help.
4. A Planner
This might be another relatively simple tool to add to our list, but you should never underestimate the power of the humble planner. Whether you choose a physical planner or calendar or an app through your phone, this tool can make organizing complex shoots and shopping trips much more manageable.
It’s best to establish these types of organizational habits early on in your blogging career. If you’re starting out for the first time, it might seem like you can just “wing it” with relative ease. But setting goals and sticking to them is essential to the sustainable growth of your blog. If you don’t set goals regularly, you’ll end up coasting with no real progression.
Eventually, your planner will become a lifesaver as you organize interviews, shoots with professional photographers, and other daily events in your life as a successful fashion blogger.
5. A Laptop
Another useful piece of equipment is a good laptop. While regular bloggers might be able to get away with using a relatively cheap laptop, you might consider something with a little more processing power if you’re a fashion blogger.
This is because the best fashion bloggers edit their photos with various applications and tools. Doing so on a laptop is much easier compared to using a phone, and these powerful apps require decent hardware to fire on all cylinders.
A laptop also helps you type effectively. After all, you’re going to need to write a decent amount to capture your readers’ attention. While stunning pictures can undoubtedly be attention-grabbing, blogs are built on a solid foundation of fun and interesting writing.
So there you have it! Five essentials for starting your very own fashion blog, or adding to one that needs a little improvement. We’re sure that there are plenty of other helpful tools you could add to this list, but these are the items that stood out for us.
Of course, there’s one more thing you’ll need to bring to the table if you want to be a fantastic fashion blogger: A top-notch work ethic. Unless you’re willing to work hard at this endeavor, you won’t see any results.
Keep this in mind as you build your fashion blog, and we’re sure you’ll become massively influential in the coming months and years!