14 Romantic SMS To Wish Him A Sweet Goodnight
Want to wish a sweet night to your half but lack inspiration? No worries, talk amour is always there when you’re down! So, here for you 20 SMS to wish him a sweet night.
20 SMS For Him Wish A Sweet Night
Tonight, I curl up in the sheets and slide my nose all over the cotton hoping to find crumbs of your smell. It’s my only cure for sleep. Sweet night my Angel.
Your absence is a stab; it’s a void, despair. I miss you so much tonight…
I like to sleep in the crook of your arms, feel all your powerful body bring me back against you. Sweet night…
The bed is so big without you and above all, so empty. Maybe you’re already sleeping, I’m at the 151st position change but I still believe it!
My Love, every time I fall asleep without you, I feel like I missed a day.
I would like to be a little mouse to slip under your pillow and give you a few hundred kisses.
Sweet night my angel, I hope that our dreams will connect and that we will meet again in a few minutes during a sensual dream.
I want your hands on my hips, I want your mouth in my neck, I want your lips on my stomach, I want your body in me.
I love you a little more each day. Our complicity is only growing and tonight, it is with a smile on my lips that I go to sleep thinking about you.
You are the most beautiful gift that life has made me, you are the most extraordinary man I have met, the only one I can love.
Even if you did not have that dreamy body, those deep blue eyes and this devastating smile, I’d like you like a fool because what I love most about you is everything you do not do not see. Sweet night darling.
I love you so much more than anything I’ve known in my life that sometimes I tell myself that what I feel is not love, but something even more powerful!
My love, I wish you a sweet night. I know you do not like to sleep alone but think now the incredible moment of our reunion!
When I go find you, I tell you, I’ll jump on you! I miss you terribly!

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