11 Best Ways to Treat a Belly Button Infection Naturally at Home
With the current fashion trends dictating women to dress up in midriff-baring crop tops and high-waisted pants, the belly button has suddenly zoomed into focus. Everyone wants washboard abs these days, and with that, a near-perfect belly button. Women also get their navels pierced these days to enhance the beauty of the belly button. But what if your belly button gets infected? What?! Can your belly button get infected too? Yes, it can, as it is a hidey-hole for numerous bacteria. While it may not pose such a serious problem in healthy individuals, some people may have to bear the brunt of a belly button infection.
Not only women, but belly button infections can affect anyone, irrespective of gender and age. There are two types of infection, bacterial and yeast-induced. It is a favorable breeding ground for infections. To add to it, there is the constant deposition of soap and sweat in the navel cavity, and if it is not cleaned on a regular basis, it may trigger off infections and cause pain. You may wish to look to a natural remedy like kratom (which you can learn more about over on Kratom.org) to help you manage the pain and, fortunately, when it comes to treating the infection itself, you also have natural options that you can try.
So, can you have a belly button infection too? What causes this infection? If these questions are playing on your mind; hold your horses, as we are going to discuss all that and more in this very article.
Infected Belly Button – What are the Causes?
Belly button infections can affect one and all, some of the reasons are as follows:
Bacterial Infection
The bacterial infection is one of the top causes of an infected belly button. Residues of cosmetic products, sweat, lint, can lead to bacterial growth and infection in the belly button. How will you know that you are suffering from a belly button infection? You will notice a brown or yellow discharge from your belly button.
Fungal Infection
Fungal infections are often caused by Candida. Candida can affect any part of the body including the belly button. If you have a red and an inflamed belly button, then it is a clear indication that you have a fungal infection.
Sebaceous Cysts
If you have a sebaceous cyst in your belly button, you are much more likely to get an infection. Cysts get infected when you scratch them.
Urachal Cysts
The duct within the umbilical cord that helps the drainage of urine from the fetus is known as the urachal cyst.
Diabetic Infection
Sometimes you have a cottage cheese-like discharge from your belly button and this shows that you have a belly button infection because of diabetes.
That’s not all, there are some other factors that may lead to belly button infections.
- A belly button piercing
- Poor hygiene
- Obesity
- Surgery in the abdomen
- An injury to the belly button
- Continuously touching the belly button
- A wound or injury near the belly button
- Pregnancy
- A particular type of clothing
Signs of Infected Belly Button
Are you suffering from a belly button infection? Then you have to see whether you have the following symptoms:
- Pain in the belly button
- Inflammation of belly button
- Skin turns warm
- Itching and tingling sensation in the belly button
- Any kind of discharge such of greenish, yellowish or brownish
- Your navel starts smelling
- You feel nauseous and dizzy
- The belly button starts bleeding
Everybody hates having an infection, and the first thought that comes to your mind is ‘how can I get rid of it.’ Start with the following home remedies for belly button infection to get relief.
11 Best Ways to Treat a Belly Button Infection Naturally
- Coconut Oil
- Salt Water
- Warm Compress
- Tea Tree Oil
- Peppermint oil
- Rubbing alcohol
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- White Vinegar
- Turmeric
- Aloe Vera
- Indian Lilac (Neem)
Coconut Oil
When it comes to skincare, coconut oil is the most potent remedy as it has medium-chain fatty acids and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. This fights infections by combating inflammation and also reduces the swelling in the belly button region.
Coconut oil (select the cold-pressed organic variety)
Apply the oil directly to the infected area. Leave it for a few minutes and let your skin absorb the oil. You can try this remedy several times a day.
Salt Water
Infection can proliferate in moist and humid conditions, so you need a remedy that will dry out the belly button region. Salt has both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and can stop the infection from spreading. It also stops the itching and inflammation.
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 cup of warm water
Combine a teaspoon of salt to warm water and blend it well. Put this saline solution into the infected area and try this remedy several times to get relief.
Warm Compress
A hot compress is the best solution for a number of conditions; a belly button infection is certainly one of them. It fights infection and inflammation all at one go. That is why it is perfect for treating a belly button infection too.
Hot water
A clean cloth
Dip the washcloth in slightly warmed water. Wring out the water and place it on the affected area. Keep the washcloth on the area for some time, say for a few minutes. Repeat it as many times as you can.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is one of the most potent essential oils and can treat a belly button infection too. It has great antifungal and antibacterial properties and is a powerful weapon to kill microbes. Since the essential oil is anti-inflammatory in nature, it offers an effective solution to all the belly-button infection symptoms, such as itching, swelling, and pain.
- 1 teaspoon of organic cold-pressed coconut oil
- 2-3 drops of tea tree oil
Make this powerful solution with tea tree oil and coconut oil. Blend it well. Use this mixture to apply it in the infected belly button and rest for 15 to 20 minutes. Wipe this off. You can try this all-natural treatment at least 2-3 times a day.
Peppermint Oil
Your essential oils arsenal is incomplete without peppermint oil as it has incredible soothing properties and helps soothe inflammation. It has microbe-slaying properties too, that helps to get rid of belly button infection.
- 2-3 drops of peppermint oil
- 1 teaspoon of virgin cold-pressed coconut oil
Make a potent combination by combining these two oils. Apply in the belly button area and let the solution seep inside the navel. Keep it for 10-15 minutes before you wipe it off. Try this at least 2 to 3 times every day.
Rubbing Alcohol
Alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) has antiseptic properties and helps disinfect and sterilize the belly button area, thus inhibiting the spread of infection.
- Rubbing alcohol
• Cotton pads
A few drops of rubbing alcohol is all you need to treat the affected area. Leave the solution on the belly button for a few minutes to let it be absorbed. Try this once or twice a day to get results.
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is really useful when you are trying to get rid of a pus-filled cyst in your belly button. The antiseptic properties help accelerate the healing process and help dry up the cyst too.
- 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide
- 1-2 tablespoons of water
- Cotton pads
Combine hydrogen peroxide with water and dip the cotton pad in the solution. Apply the same on the belly button and let it dry naturally. Do this at least once daily.
White Vinegar
Vinegar has antiseptic properties thanks to its acetic acid content. This helps to help fight the microbes that cause infection. The disinfectant properties are another way to eliminate the infection.
1 tablespoon of white vinegar
2 tablespoons of water
Cotton pads
Combine the required amounts of both white vinegar and water. Dip a cotton pad in the freshly-concocted solution and apply on the affected area. Let the solution stay in the area for some time, say 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with water. Try this at least 2-3 times every day to see significant improvement in the infection area.
Turmeric is one of the most powerful healing herbs on planet Earth. It contains a powerful compound (curcumin) that gives its anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces the inflammation and also helps get rid of the other symptoms such as swelling and itching in your belly button region.
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder (go for organic)
- Water ( the amount required to make a paste)
Combine turmeric and water together to concoct a thick paste. Apply the same in the infected area. Wait for it to dry and then rinse it off with water. You can try this at least twice or thrice daily.
Alternatively, you can also make your very own concoction of haldi doodh by combining 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and a little honey in a glass of hot milk. This drink has potent therapeutic values, and this will also stave off other infections.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera gel is widely known for its healing properties. It is very important to add this plant to your medicinal cabinet as it has 200 ingredients which can treat most of your common, and in some cases, chronic ailments. It is one of the most potent belly button infection treatments.
Aloe vera gel
Cut off a fresh aloe leaf, extract the gel and apply to the affected area. If you don’t have an aloe plant at home, get an organic gel from a health store; but as they say, fresh is always the best. Leave the gel on the affected area for 20 minutes or so and wash it off with water. Try and do this twice or thrice a day for maximum benefits.
Indian Lilac (Neem)
Neem has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use neem to speed up the healing process and also get rid of some of the symptoms such as itching and inflammation in the belly button region.
- A handful of neem leaves
- Water (as much as required)
- A pinch of turmeric paste.
Take a fistful of neem leaves and grind them with water to get a smooth paste. Add fresh turmeric root and grind it again. Now, apply this to the belly button for 15 to 20 minutes till it dries off. Rinse the navel with water. Do this once or twice daily.
How to treat an infected belly button? Well, you can start with these home remedies. Do take care of other health issues to eliminate the root cause of infections, such as diabetes. Also, if you have recently undergone a belly button piercing, you need to take extra care of this region. Follow these preventive tips to stop the infection from developing.
- Keep your hands clean always before touching belly button piercing.
- Avoid sleeping on your tummy, especially if you have your navel freshly pierced.
- Wear clothes made of natural fabrics so you do not sweat too much.
- Maintain basic hygiene by showering daily.
- Rinse yourself thoroughly and make sure there is no residue of soap left in your navel.
- Eliminate processed foods and sugary stuff to eliminate Candida infections.
- If you have gotten your navel cavity pierced recently, avoid swimming in public swimming pools.
When to See a Doctor
If you have been trying all the home remedies listed above for some time and you still don’t see any signs of the infection disappearing, consult a doctor. If you are seriously concerned for your wellbeing as a result of the infection, makes sure to seek “urgent care near me” to get it looked at right away. You need to do so, especially when you have the following symptoms along with signs of an infected belly.
- Fever
- You experience pain and inflammation in the belly button area
- You experience pain while urinating
- The symptoms turn worse
While some of these symptoms may be indicative of a harmless belly button infection that may go away as soon as it comes, try these belly button infection treatments at home. In some rare cases, the infection may develop because of an underlying medical condition such as cancer or psoriasis. Have you ever experienced a belly button infection? Tell me how did you treat it? Did you try home remedies? Which remedy worked for you? Do tell me how you treated the same, would love to know all your inputs. Till the next time, take care of your health and stay fit and healthy!